Monday, July 23, 2007

Sheer tunes.......................

Songs! Some mere lines being sang with different tunes in each of them. Still it has such great effect on us. For some they are just songs, and for some they are something far more then just being a song. Songs of joy, songs of sorrow, songs of frustration and songs of reformation.

Songs with memories of some queer moments with friends or someone special. Every song represents a different type of vibe to yourself. Some songs remind you of some specific people you heard it with and how beautiful those moments were. Some songs make you remember certain pain you had to bear at the time which you tried to pass away with listening to that song. As to some songs are plainly there for times you were angry and frustrated. I'm sure some of us had our moments of extreme rage when the house blasting metal songs would help to cool down the head, when you only feel like breaking everything away. Well at least I have.

Some songs remind me of specific friends with whom I had shared a moment of joy or maybe a moment of sorrow. Each song has a story behind it. A story from my life. No, I am not talking about all the millions of songs out there. I am talking about the ones I like. Every time I listen to an old song an image comes up in my head of what were the events that went on at that time. About the people I was close to at that moment. About some specific friends and above all, they remind me of different feelings I had while listening to that particular song.

There are also songs that cut out your heart every time you listen to it. Why? Cause it reminds you of deep pain you had to bear. It reminds you of how you wanted to cry but couldn't. Or maybe how those events made you cry. Some of these songs are so painfully beautiful that you cannot bear the memory of sheer pain it brings to you, but you just love that pain/person related to it that you let it flow through you. Some of these songs take us away from ourself as we get lost into another world. You just close your eyes and listen to the beat of the song, the words and the unearthly tune and feel yourself drowning into a pool of cosmic **********.

There are also some songs that help you reform yourself. They give you an unknown amount of energy and support. Sounds funny eh? Haha! It might, but it is true in some of our cases. These songs make you feel better and help you stick with the universal truth..........that is, fuck you all. I am the best and I live my life by myself.

Songs go so deep in our life that in joy we sing out our most favorite song of happiness. In sorrow we turn to our heart soothing songs. In frustrations we turn up the volume and blast our room with metal or rock. In despair we turn to songs that help us reform ourself. So songs are not just mere lines with some oooby dooby tunes. They hold a great part in our life. This is the single most beautiful creation of us the human being, Fucked up Homo sapiens !

Ps: My writing does not apply for stupid fucks who never listens to songs. Nor does it apply for people who don't know how it feels to listen to a song that fills your heart with emotions of all sorts.

Song of the moment: Tu hi mera shab hain

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