The first day at the coaching. My first time out in the independent environment. Went there very early. Didn't know what I was looking forward to. I was a bit tensed, not knowing what is to come. None of my friends were with me. They were all busy for the summer break or went into different classes with other friends. I did feel terrible & very lonely, but it wasn't like me to wait for others. I just thought fu.ck all. I shall go forward on my own.
So as I was saying, I changed my schedule and transferred from another branch into this one. It was early morning, cold and a bit on the chilly side. Entered the premises and felt lost, not knowing where to go so walked up to the managers room and he pointed to the classroom. I went in there, sat down, looked around and there she was! Sitting by herself near the window, deeply lost in some thought . Her smooth long hair playing with the wind, sometimes coming onto her face sometimes flowing back. I sat there quietly, trying not to alert her of my presence in fear of losing this beautiful sight. I sat there watching her through the corner of my eyes and simply appreciated the wonderful view of her sitting by the window with a little shade of sunlight beaming down on the wall behind her. I thought she was lost in to another world, sitting there silently facing the wind. The poor teenage heart o mine missed a beat. Did I know it then? Haha! No! I just felt a tingling sensation in the chest, I didn't understand.
Suddenly she became aware of someone else's presence. She looked around and saw me, I looked back. The four eyes met and locked in. This moment I tell you, engraved itself into my heart for eternity. I looked into her eyes and saw something; a little touch of surprise? A silent picture of pain? A small sparkle? A deep something that I can't explain in mere words? I don't know till this day what it was, but there was definitely something. We took our eyes away from each other. I sat there and kept thinking, what was it in her eye? Some quiet moments followed while It took me great strength to not look at her again. I rarely looked back at any girl in a different way, but her? To me it seemed as if she was the most beautiful creation of nature. Trust me when I say this, It was unarguably the hardest thing to do to not look back at her! I thought I could almost hear my heartbeat and so could she. No, I didn't think I was in love with her right at that moment....like those fancy terms...love at first sight, at least that was totally not in my head at that moment. I just kept thinking about what was happening to me and the events that took place in the last few minutes. The duration was probably only 5 minutes but the events, the sight and the feelings involved surely felt like a life time.
Then some more silent moments passed and I was actually going over the whole sight in my head, Trying to capture the moment in frames so that I don't forget it any time soon. A bit later I thought I heard a heavenly sound of someone speaking to me, I wasn't sure if I heard correctly. But then my brain picked up the words which sounded like: Are you also in Fc-17 or just in for the common classes? I turned back and said yeah, I'm in Fc-17(just a course number) and then introduced myself. The conversation went on as we asked about each other and our background. So I came to know her name, school and some other details. Wow! Her name amazed me. It wasn't a typical name, wasn't anything too extravagant either. But I loved it. We talked on for a bit longer and then as other students started to appear we stopped talking.
Thats it! Thats the day that had changed my life forever. The day I met her. The day two strangers planted the seed of a lifetime friendship that even death couldn't part. A day that I'll remember forever. Ahhhhh, life!
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